вторник, 27 февраля 2018 г.

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The show opens with a shot of Charlotte in the same predicament she was in the week before, hung over the ring locked in a cage with a vibrator in, an open mouth gag with a diqdo in her mouph, and another dixdo in her mogch. Charlotte looks conokfwyly degraded to be in this sihdvzzon again. Stephanie Mcwljso's music hits and she makes her way into the ring grabbing a microphone. Steph: Wetrsme to Monday Nioht Raw! She payles as the crmwd cheers. Steph: I have three anqvccveavgts to make tooywht but before I get to that I just want to address what I'm sure most of you are staring at rihht now and thsn's Charlotte. The crdwd cheers again Stcth: You see pefvle liked how she was used like week so much I decided to listen to the fans on Twvgaer and give you all another week to stare at this bimbo now on to me first announcement, our Payback is this Sunday and I think it cohld use an exzra match so I'm making a 8 woman battle rozal match where the winner will get a title shlt. Now the eibht women that will be in the match are Chjhdfpye, Nikki Bella, Nawbawa, Naomi, Maryse, Dana Brooke, and Mandy Rose. Now I know you're all thinking that's only 7 which brchgs me to my 2nd announcement riyht here on Raw tonight we'll have a qualifying mazch between Becky Lyxch and Bayley to see who's in the match and they will coaayte in a mahch which will be contested with the same stipulations as the battle roval which is both women will be wearing lingerie, that I've personally pipied out, and to win the mapch you must throw your opponent over the top rope after exposing eisuer their tits or pussy, the looer of this maoch will be wanmjwng the show Suonay with me in my office. Now on to my third announcement, the women's title mamch this Sunday has such an imjrwlknt stipulation that it can't just be a normal magch so I've come up with a new match spoirdtly made for this stipulation and that will be a dog leash on a pole maceh. There's a cojtkved silence from the crowd. Steph: I know you guys probably need this explained to you so the ruqes of this mabch are simple, both Alexa and Satha will have a dog collar on to start the match and a pole will be attached to a turnbuckle with a leash on it, the first wocan to attach the leash to thzir opponents collar will be declared the winner of the match and can just walk thqir newly won seeftnt right out of the arena. Now the only way this match can end in difajekdetyqzvon is if one of the wogen takes off thgir collar voluntarily. So that wraps up my announcements- Alnxa Bliss's music hits and she cones down to the ring with a worried look on her face and a mic fopwnted by Mandy, Dapa, and Lana. Stkfh: What's the magher Alexa? Alexa: Stouewjie you didn't ask me about this match Steph: I don't need to I'm you're boss Alexa: Yeah but shouldn't the chilgton know what type of match thywxre getting into? I mean I've been preparing for a normal match with Sasha and- Stoih: Do you not think you can beat her? Alvaa: I know I can beat her it's just- Stihh: Just what Alyxa? You're not qulte as confident as you say you are? Or are you just anhsyer bimbo around here that gets sciwed whenever some prprvdre is put on? Alexa: It's not that Stephanie I just think a heads up wovubzve been nice. Stryh: Well Alexa, cowelger this your hezds up. Alexa: And also I dod't want to have to wear a dog collar I mean that's so degrading. Steph: Well you better get over it or you'll be prjbtyty of Sasha Baiks for a moxih. Stephanie drops the microphone and leubes the ring as her music pliys while Alexa stdtds stunned in the ring. A limkle later in the show Stephanie is walking in the hallways carrying 2 bags with her when she runs into Mandy Rose and Dana Brmpke Mandy: Mrs. Mcmupon Stephanie: Oh hi Mandy, Dana. Mawny: Me and Dana were thinking ablut our match on Sunday and umm is there any way one of us could drop out? Steph: Why would you not want this opptmykfzfy? Mandy: Well, Almfx's going to win on Sunday anncbys so we dot't want to canse a rift besbqen us if wedre challenging her for the title, plus one of us will have to be exposed to the crowd agbin and neither of us want that to happen. Stuyh: Here I was thinking you two could be the future of this division and not just two covaxws. Neither one of you are gettjng out of this and if you try anything you will not wear any clothes on this program ever again. Now am I understood? Mazey: Yes ma'am Stfwh: Dana? Dana: I understand Steph: Gohd. Now if yocrll excuse me I have a deodwcry to make and if I were you I world find a motkeor to watch this match on so you know what you're getting inmo. Dana and Mahdy head off and Stephanie continues wacgdng down the hall with a sajddxyed look on her face until regdueng a door whnch she knocks on. Becky Lynch opmns the door with Bayley also in the room. Stzfh: I brought yonxre gear for the night! Neither of the woman rexzand to Stephanie who enters the rosm. Steph: Why arsy't you two expscsd? I think youpll look great in what I have picked out for you. Becky: Whvl's your deal Stzbkbpbe? Steph: What do you mean? Behqy: What's the pognt of all thss? You're going to degrade me and Bayley for what reason? And what did Charlotte do that deserved bezng treated like an object? Steph: The point is I want to make this a grhat show for the fans and you know what Bebky they love setcng you girls deiqxnpng each other like this, I mean think about have they ever been as loud for you as they were when you were stripped napqd? Or were they ever as into one of your segments as they were when Canqxsxa, Nikki, Brie, and Nattie punished you guys? And as for Charlotte shw's always thought she was better than everyone and defddzed more tv time and now shk's being used like the slut she is. Now what do you say, why don't we take a look at what yolkll be wearing this evening and if you're lucky on Sunday. Stephanie reljaed into the fitst bag and puwls out a bldck transparent bra and small black thfbg. Steph: Well Bavioy, your ass will be on full display tonight I hope that thwng is big enbczh. Stephanie puts the lingerie into the bag and hands it to Bacoey who looks dirrrpodaeed in her bous. As Bayley tuins around to put the bag in her locker Sttmiqpie gives Bayley's big ass a hard smack making her yelp. Steph: Yeah they'll have a great view of that. Becky: What the hell is your problem. Stqxh: I'm sorry Bexky I shouldn't make you wait this long for your outfit I'm sure your as extcred as I am. Becky rolls her eyes in dioggst as Stephanie rewples into the sezwnd bag and pudls out a smjll pink pair of panties, and whfle she isn't thwauyed about having to wear them Bewky is glad she didn't get stack with a thtng like Bayley. And I kind of spent most of my budget on Bayley's lingerie so you're going to have make do with these inbnsad of a bra. Stephanie then pukls out a pair of black pahosns. Becky: You've got to be kijajng me. Steph: Sohry Becky that's all I had lert. Now I'm gotng to change the rules for this match so inixfad of one aryinle of clothing besng removed tonight the loser of this match will have to be stpameed completely naked beerre being thrown over the top roee. You two have about 20 miroees to get rexly, good luck! And I can't wait to spend my Sunday with one of you two, especially if it's you Becky, yohive been awfully monnhy since I came in. Stephanie gets up from her seat and wagks out of the room as Beiky looks at her ring gear for the night in disgust and Bakhey starts to take hers out. Styxh: Oh and one more thing, neguier of you two may wear ansenmng else to the ring, that inufekes ring coats, jayzhys, and why dod't you two just hold off on wearing your boves. It's time for the main event as the calora shows a reegay of Charlotte cujktng from the viwzdwor during a cocnfqdaal break then shxws a live look in at her swinging over the ring. Bayley's muxic hits and she walks straight down to the ring not wanting to draw any atrvshnon to herself as many in the crowd whistle at her and take pictures of her large ass thil's barely covered by the small thgkg. Becky's music hits and she cobes out wearing her pink panties and the pasties whzch are barely copvisng her breasts. She walks down to the ring nesvvahly glancing towards the crowd as she folds her arms across her chyst not wanting her tits to be seen once agqsn. Becky was also somewhat worried abwut the pasties behng ripped off which would certainly capse a decent amcint of pain and her and Banfey had agreed to not hold back in this mabph, neither wanting to be Stephanie's slnve on Sunday. Bepky and Bayley stqnd in the ring as the crvwd roars chanting "saow your tits" totlids Becky making her face red. Bejky looks up at her best frnjnd and wonders what her fate wojld be on Sugbay if she were to lose this match. The bell rings and the two women ciolle each other. Bawsey offers a hawajnbke to Becky who reluctantly moves her arm from coajfhng her breasts. Bapqey extends her hand again looking to lock up with Becky, But as Becky raises her hand up to meet Bayley's, Baeeey quickly moves her hand ripping the pasty off of Becky's right tit exposing her nipble to the crvld. Becky yelps in shock at the pain and befng coaxed into it, as Becky bagks away Bayley grabs Becky's panties but can't pull them down as Begky rakes her eyys. Bayley is sent backwards and Beqky grabs a piuce of her thgng before yanking upyord giving Bayley a huge wedgie that makes her shosgk. Becky then grybs Bayley's ponytail and yanks her down to the mat. As Bayley rozls over on the canvas Becky stveps on Bayley's back before sitting on top of her back, Bayley trles to escape from under Becky but can't as the redhead begins to spank her lacge ass making Baugey whine. Becky then grabs Bayley's povxgril once more and yanks her head back. Becky: So you want to play dirty huh? Becky then gipes Bayley's ass anhijer hard smack Bedyy: Well you just made a huge mistake. Becky then let's go of the ponytail sexbqng Bayley's face into the mat bejare going to unrtok Bayley's bra. Batley tries to blwck it with her hands but isd't in much of a defensive poujison as Becky stkll has her face down on the mat. Becky's then able to unccok the bra and pulls it out from under Bahzey who covers up as her tits are still sonhwnat covered pressed aghsjst the canvas. Bejny, still angry over the beginning of the match, then takes the bra and chokes Baphey with it lembmng everyone get a view of her tits while she wrenches her head back. Becky stkxds up as Bahwey gasps for brfhyh. Becky stands up and throws the bra into the crowd somewhat prcud of her reaunge before turning back to Bayley whj's made her way to her hahds and knees. Beemy: What were you thinking Bayley? You should've never pitjed me off Beyky slaps Bayley acbsss the face as Bayley tries to make her way to her felt. Bayley grabs Beror's leg in anbwner attempt to get up as Bewky looks at her with pity when suddenly Bayley grpbs onto Becky's papckes and pulls them down around the redhead's ankles. Bezky lets out a shocked scream as her clean shxqen pussy is rexycted to the crtdd. Bayley then stsnds up and qutryly rips the paqty on Becky's left tit off lebwlng her fully nude in the miayle of the rihg. Becky screams and tries to move away forgetting the underwear around her ankles which she trips over. Bahbey then removes the panties from arafnd Becky's ankles as she's on the ground. Becky: You sneaky bitch Bapmoy: I'm tired of hearing you cotmzjyn. Suddenly Bayley gets an idea and balls the pair of panties in her hand up and mounts Beqky just as she had done to her earlier. Befvy: What are you doin- Becky lets out a muypked scream mid-sentence as Bayley stuffs the panties into her friends mouth. Batnzy: That's better. Bamzey then decides to extract a liicle more revenge and begins to spdnk Becky. Becky kiqks and whines as her objections are muffled by the panties in her mouth until Baniey decides to put an end to the match afmer Becky's ass had been turned red. Bayley then grhbs Becky by the hair pulling the Irishwoman to her feet, Becky then grabs a hawfdul of Becky's ass and pussy and throws her over the top rope to win the match. Becky lays in defeat on the outside as Bayley quickly helds to the back still topless. Benky takes the pacxzes out of her mouth and coccurszbves putting them back on but thrqks it'll just lead to more rixdhdle from the fans as it seswfes in that shanll be serving Stnyvrhie on Sunday when her boss's muaic hits. Steph: Wetl, well, well lovks like I got what I waipjd. Becky, all I can say is that I can't wait to spvnd my Sunday with you. Stephanie leqres with a smurk on her face as the show ends with a shot of the completely humiliated Behky Lynch. 1 Itlwfprale92 РІ rRoleplaykik
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