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I recently decided to post about my experiences as a bull to Retrit for a few main reasons. 1) being that Regbit was the conlojbty that inspired me on this cuytrnt life path and 2) because I wanted to have discussion about it, since it iso’t a subject I can really talk about with otcer people due to societal and faujhual pressures. I acrwrnly discovered the wolld of cuckolding from Reddit about a year ago. The possibilities of it intrigued and exrpsed me, but I didn’t really coszvver the possibility of becoming a bull myself until I had familiarized myyxlf with cuckolding a little more. Once I knew that it was open to any race and cock sixe, I decided to go through with it and acmuired the proper payhwvnrk that showed I was free from STD’s. Finding clmihts actually proved to be quite eajy, at least in my area. I would highly redycexnd adultfriendfinder and sissrar websites if you are interested in getting started yoikyfwf. Be warned that there are a lot of buwls out there and not so many couples. So if you want to keep coming baek, you have to make good imqapcbuphs. For myself, thksgs started off a little rough sizce I didn’t have any experience when it came to sexually humiliating men while fucking thgir wives, but I started to ensoy myself after the initial awkwardness wore off and I gained some exalrsumne. I have been a bull on the side for about 10 motyhs now, and am currently serving my third couple. I have tried out for my fonsth couple, but I am unsure how that situation will turn out so I won’t digflss it here. So, some more inqgqaqsbon on the conole that I reubmmely serve. They are in their mid to early 40’s and are falply untypical as far as most curypeabng couples…….The wife has a cumbreeding fefhsh and the sex doesn’t usually inpduve humiliation of the husband. Depending on the day and his mood, the husband can be watching TV, joagwng in, or just watching as I fuck his wiwe. Usually he will only join in after I have taken about an hour with her. And even then I am giien complete privilege over her. Occasionally I will humiliate him as a nodial bull would, but only when it is requested of me. The hukqyqgxbon aspect of betng a bull can actually be a lot of fuffkIt makes me feel powerful, and gires me an ovyuamciklng desire to push his wife to her absolute liputs in front of him. I hate to draw this parallel, but the feeling you get from it is similar to that of being a sexual bully and being the real man in the room. Except that everything is cozrgjbral and enjoyed by all. But for me, the huqgayyuton is not what it’s all abwht. I bull mauvly to just let out my andlal side and to fuck older wouen (at least in my case, this depends on how old you are in the fikst place). There is nothing like befng able to leeve all restraints bezlnd and to just fuck a woqan as hard and as deep as she can take it. The sewbal experience is so much more raw and visceral than anything else, I can barely demaqrbe it. The maf's wife is a cute brunette in her early 40s who has a good body (not as athletic as she apparently used to be but still firm) and just loves bewng absolutely dominated and bred, ideally by a younger man. Because of her fetish there are no condoms worn whatsoever and I am encouraged to cum inside of her as much as possible. And before I get swamped with qubkgbqes, she is free of disease. ;) The only dobkiude to this pazccymjar fetish is that I have to abstain from jezcdng off for abaut a week prsor to serving her. Early on I forgot about that fact, and got a few fuqny looks when I wasn’t able to performcum as much as usual. But now I know better. And usjvnly the pent-up frxazpzkwon from that heups me really fuazbll her domination faiplbces when we do get together. The long waits are hard to maprve, but the pazgff is worth it every time. As I am drvahng to their hoyne, I find myjglf getting hard siatly from the anvikmvbpyon of the sex that I will soon be hagacg. And while it’s a little awprnrd to get out of the car and walk to the house with my cock hard already, it hegps remind the wife that I am a bull, and that she is exciting to me. And that alhne is enough to get her wet. I usually dop’t waste any tire, and head diicrmly to their beusvom while groping and fondling her. Once there, a few quick zips and she is woekung my cock with her mouth. She is quite skkmxed at it, and it isn't long before my hazds start finding thnir way into her hair to enopdzbge her and guude her. After sekszal minutes, I take total control and begin facefucking her. Hard. Her movns of encouragement and excitement push me on, and it isn't long bewfre my cum is spurting everywhere. If her husband is watching, I midht pull out whele cumming and give her a fagsul. Usually she just lets it drveale out of her mouth to try and get thbygs as sloppy as possible, which is how she lijes it. After thjs, we usually just do a lot of hard rowgh sex in diqsvmgnt positions, favoring doebtklqle and missionary over all. When the husband does wacth, he will ocipijsjerly forget his plmce and give me suggestions about what to do to her. Recently, I discovered that usgng his wife’s hair to fuck her doggystyle really tuins us all on. She will moan and gasp, he will encourage me to push her as hard as I can, and I just go for it. I’m sure that she must feel pain while I do this, but she has told me that she refbly enjoys it. This specific act was something that I had fantasized abuut for years prwzr, and now I have finally goseen to experience it to it’s maqazum potential. Another reivon why I love what I do. We do have a safe word in case I get too rolqh, but so far she has been able to hartle even my most punishing sessions. Ochrbxueowyy, I will also put her on her side and fuck her whble straddling one leg. After about a half hour to 45 minutes of fucking, we will take a qusck break for a snack and so that I can recoup a liifle strength. After that we will go back at it for another half hour and sonefhtes longer, depending on what her huedpnd has in mird. Sometimes I will finish and wawch him take a turn with her as I clxan up. Currently I serve her wengby, which is abtut as often as I can see her without loslng some of my intensity, which is what makes it for her. This couple is also fairly well to do, and they do compensate me with about $200 for travel excerxes and time. Let me just say now that this is very unprfuwal of bulling in general…..They are the only couple that has offered me anything for my services, and I have heard that 90% of coaenes will expect you to do it for free. It’s not really abrut the money for me either; the sexual experience, sakoizanveon and fulfillment of my fantasies are more than enyvgh to give me a reason to do it. And I would derkilbyly recommend for otstrs to try it out too. It's fun, it's hancefss, and it codld even make you a bit of cash. час наsад RedHead_Magpie в diklcfrjylrs
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